Saturday, January 22, 2011

Saturday Randomness

I stumbled across these very fluid paintings by Brazzillian artist, Rimon Guimaraes. I don't have anything to say about them, as they speak quite well for themselves....What's the saying? A painting is worth a thousand bucks? No, words, a painting is worth a thousand words. Ouch. These are beautiful.

I do, however, have something to say about the following musical accompaniment. I don't have the luxury of artists sending me their new material, so I must resort to the relentless searching (and the inevitable deleting) of endless waves of new music material that I come across. So far, every time I discover a new possible musical endeavor, it's almost always the only decent track in the artists' repertoir, which then renders said track only mediocre. I hate to sound negative, as I am quite a responsible appreciator; I welcome new music with open arms and ears. Discovering a new group of talented musicians is like seeing a really good film that sticks with you for days and days. Anyhow, Tony Bonanza has a new E.P. available for download (for free) via Bandcamp. Baby B is decent enough, and shows promise. It's nothing new mind you, nor ground-breaking, but still quite enjoyable.

Tony Bonanza - Baby B. EP - 04 yssup by Mexisota Kid

And I can't help myself....Just to sort of round out this cocktail of random thoughts today, Elli et Jacno.

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