Monday, January 3, 2011

Rangers and Bridges

When I read an announcement recently on IMDB that my favorite Cormac McCarthy book, Blood Meridian, was going into production to be released sometime next year, my immediate thought was of Jeff Bridges. I finally got around to viewing the Cohen brother's latest masterpiece, True Grit, and this solidified my nomination of Jeff Bridges portraying McCarthy's perhaps darkest character known simply as the Judge. This may be one of the most scariest characters ever portrayed in a western theme. But, hey, he's also a botanist with alopechia and speaks a dozen languages. Whatever, I just really enjoyed Bridges' world weary swagger and ability to fire a six shooter, which is all the convincing I need. Until we can CGI a young Marlon Brando, or somehow reanimate Mr. Wayne, I think he's the obvious choice.

And, if you ever have to assemble office furniture on a Monday morning, this track will make it seem somewhat easier. It may be one of my favorite songs released this past year, and I always appreciate it when guitar and synth are used together accordingly.

1 comment:

Buster Von Lokiberg said...

Will the Judge be played by Rooster Cogburn or Bad Blake? Oh wait, their all the same character!