Thursday, January 20, 2011

Mind Your Own Bidness

So the secret identity of an enigmatic street artist super-hero is soon to be revealed? Honestly, who really cares? British artist Bansky, quite possibly the most notable among the street art movement, had his secret identity up for grabs in an eBay auction recently, but the auction has since been removed. But it reached a total of nearly one million dollars, which is certainly incredible. I'm a fan of his artistic exploits, and his recent documentary Exit Through the Gift Shop was incredible, but I honestly don't really care to find out who he is. Just let the man be. It's refreshing for once, an artist who doesn't want to share more of the spotlight than the work they create.

I don't really have anything else to add, so I'll just tie-in this danceable post punk classic from British band Delta 5.

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