Sunday, October 9, 2011

Cowpoke Sunday

So I think I'm finally over the newest Javelin EP, Canyon Candy. True, I've kept this in steady rotation for the past month or so, but it's high time to retire least for the time being.

I don't know why I like this duo so much. They're strange blend of hip hop, classic R&B, and electronica is just fun really. That's the best I could do in adjectives, fun. Like a Tarantino film, they blend modern pop with strange nostalgic rarities from the past. Their music is fresh, albiet a bit familiar. And their latest EP, a concept album, doesn't lack in any of these. I don't normally enjoy concept albums, but this is different. Classic westerns and modern pop electronica? Count me in...well, yea, not exactly. On paper it looks rather meh, but it's fun. What else can I say?

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