Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I've Got Nothing Tuesdays

Introducing my new forum ladies and gentlemen. Similar to slow news days, this will be my weekly Tuesday entry. Nothing special. Nothing groundbreaking. Nothing noteworthy. Just a man and a blog entry. So take that. No, I just need more material really. This has been kind of a slow year in music. Nothing new on the horizon that has been really grabbing my attention. I've heard a few great songs, albums, and artists, but nothing that has stuck with me for more than a few days. I miss the days of perusing the cd and record selections at local music shops. Another modern day victim to the convenience of internet music downloadery. Purchasing and finding great artists used to be a real challenge, but now kids, the entire process can be done literally in minutes. And, can be quite forgotten just as fast. So no wonder nothing's really grabbing my attention lately. I have succumbed to the ease of downloading and it has in turn created a form of musical ADD.

Well, just to show that I still retain great music once heard from the days of yore (in this case, the days of 2010...whoa), California's White Fence still eases their way into weekly rotation. A bit of The Kinks, mixed with perhaps the artistry of The Fall, I have found some great pleasure in listening to this band, and perhaps may venture out into the sunshine to maybe pick up their music the old fashioned way...

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