Thursday, June 23, 2011

My Summer Album Days

So I've decided a few things over the past week or so. Since I'll be spending the majority of my summer days indoors, I should make better use of my time (as opposed to watching Labyrinth and old episodes of Pawn Stars on Netflix), and write more. And as summer is in full swing on the outdoor world, the audio indoor world that is my computer desk should reflect as much. So I'm going to take a few days to highlight some of my favorite summer albums.

Now summer albums must entail a few key elements to qualify as "summery." Fist and foremost, as with all top listed albums, they should be listenable throughout their entirety. Second of all, nothing too heavy or dark (as those are reserved for October through February). And third, as all summers should be, these albums should have a rather timeless quality about them.

So for my first pick, it's naturally the first album that spawned these criteria, The Clientele's Suburban Light. Although originally released as a compilation of their earliest work, it still qualifies as an album in my eyes (or ears rather), and it is a beautiful work of art. Catchy, but not too prototypical, whimsical but not too flighty, and beautiful with a hint of melancholy just under the surface, this album was on heavy rotation in my early summer days. Picture barefoot walks in the summer sun, poolside with an iced tea and dangling feet in the blue waters....okay, okay. Sheesh, I don't write anything for a week and look what happens, sappy sappy sappy. But whatever, I think I'm allowed when I'm dehydrated and left to my own devices...

Okay, I know the following song is not from this album, but good golly it's an amazing track. It just screams summer laziness in volumes. So I'm already breaking my album rules...oh well. I'm also using phrases like "good golly." I think I need a break.

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