Sunday, May 1, 2011

My Old Days

I remember a time when Dr. Dog, the quintessential break out band of the 2000's (in my humble opinion), were at their peak, and their throwback style of 60's and 70's garage rock was all that mattered to me. Their debut album Easy Beat, was in constant every day rotation, for easily 6 or 7 months. Sure, I'm beating an old drum when I say their style harkened back to the heydays of the likes of the Beach Boys, The Band, and the always inevitable and undeniable comparison to the Beatles. But it was fresh, and almost instantly recognizable at the same time. But, now, ugh. Their last few efforts at recreating lightning in a bottle again and again are forever gone. It's sad, but such is the way of most pop music these days. You're lucky to squeeze out two or three unbelievable works of art, then, it tapers off in a sea of bland mediocrity. Maybe I'm being too hard on these Philly boys, but there's only so far I'll follow an artist (see also: Robert DeNiro, George Lucas, the Muppets, etc.) to the end of their career when they seem to be only producing work purely for the sheer enjoyment of it themselves (or perhaps more accurately the money.) I wish you would go back your old ways, Dr. Dog, I really do.

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