Wednesday, April 27, 2011

What's The Point?

I have a vague, and I use that term loosely, memory of this film as a child. I don't know why, but sometimes random memories will come and go as they please, leaving brief smiles on my face and recollections of a simpler time...yadda yadda yadda. It's funny how everything we see as a child is ginormous (yes, ginormous) and larger than life, but revisiting the actual memory as an adult, you wonder, at least I do, what all the hubub was about. E.T was a terrifying film about a very real, nightmarish alien (at least at the time). But upon viewing this film now, I can see past the first scary opening minutes of the film, and realize how charming that ugly alien demon monster actually was. Anyhow, this children's tale created by Henry Nilsson (is there anything he can't do?) and narrated by Ringo Starr was a real classic, albeit a little drug-influenced, (hey, it was the 70's, what wasn't?) and it still stands timeless, well aged, and well appreciated all at once.

I think this song could easily be played in terms of the retro music scene revival today that is constantly evolving, and would probably blow up almost instantly. That is to say, it is really good.

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