Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Snow Schmo

I used to love snow days as a child. I would stay out all day while my ears would get painfully numb building crude snowfriends and having glorious snowball fights with my sister. I say glorious, but snowballs actually hurt quite nicely when hit in the face at close range. Ahh, tears and blood...glorious. But nowadays, ugh, I curse my dog's inpenetrable thick coat of fur not allowing one degree of cold air to touch her skin, thus maximizing her allotted outside time while I freeze towing her leash. Oh well. Deep down I'm still a Calvin, even though lately I've become more a Calvin's father. What was his name anyway?

Real Estate's debut album was my summer soundtrack last year. This was before Best Coast and Wavves, or whatever else that is now the current trend of hipster surf rock, and their style seems to just narrowly fit into this genre. But their songs seem to have a timeless quality that wasn't exactly predisposed for a short life span, as is the way this style of music naturally lends itself. I just hope they can maintain their sound amidst their growing popularity....

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