Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Happy New Year and Four Days

It's been exactly one year and four days since I started writing this little piece of unnoticed blog material, and I must say I've enjoyed writing maybe as much as you enjoyed reading the infrequent updates of musical (and sports related) material I've subjected you to. 2011 was actually a pretty good year I must say. I know the general common interest of the start of a new year is high hopes of generally better 365 days than previous, but I think this year my resolution is to hope for more of the same. I know that's a little dismal, but I think it's more realistic to anticipate the ups and the accompanied downs together....No year will ever be perfect. But if this year yields the same results as 2011, I'll be happy.

I apologize for missing opportunities to post over the holidays, but luckily there wasn't much on the horizon worth posting about. The days are short, and I'm just too tired I suppose to dig for new material. But it's a new year, so, I do plan on writing more, time permitting. My list of 2011's best moments was going to be spectacular (at least in my mind) but who am I kidding? It would have bored non-Mavs fans, generated more acclaim for artists I've already posted numerous times on here, and I didn't feel like writing it as much as you don't feel like reading it.

I will however say that 2011 had some major musical upsets dotted here and there. From adult contemporary renditions of post-punk hits, to Justin Bieber's self-comparison to Kurt Cobain, it was a fun year for disappointments to the human ear. This year, I hope a creative revolution will be reignited in the musical world, I won't get my hopes up, but I look forward to little sparks to go off here and there.

So I hope this will be my return to the blogosphere, and I look forward to another great year of the mediocrity and surprise enjoyments. Since I started this blog with one of my top favorite songs, perhaps of all time, I will celebrate my return with it as well....